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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8226754

FX build fails using gradle 5.6+ or 6


        When compiling the current JavaFX using gradle 5.3, we get two deprecation warnings for features that will be removed in 6.0. At some point we will likely want to move to gradle 6, so these should be addressed before then.

        1. enableFeaturePreview('STABLE_PUBLISHING')

        enableFeaturePreview('STABLE_PUBLISHING') has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 6.0. The feature flag is no longer relevant, please remove it from your settings file.
        at settings_1mxe2ji3njomuaudhj2grcf3n.run(/localhome/kcr/javafx/github/kcr-jfx/settings.gradle:40)

        2. IvyArtifactRepository.layout(String, Closure)

        The IvyArtifactRepository.layout(String, Closure) method has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 6.0. Please use the IvyArtifactRepository.patternLayout(Action) method instead.
        at build_cy0kvghox5p95hcs9p72niyqm$_run_closure14$_closure91$_closure98.doCall(/localhome/kcr/javafx/github/kcr-jfx/build.gradle:1842)

        The first one was added as a transitional step to allow us to support both gradle 4 and gradle 5 while we were moving to gradle 5. It can be removed, and will require bumping the minimum version of gradle to 5.x (we've long been using 5.3 so that isn't a problem).

        The second one should be simple replacement to use the newer API. I note that the same pattern appears in multiple places in build.gradle and one place in buildSrc/biuld.gradle, all of which will need to be fixed.

              kcr Kevin Rushforth
              kcr Kevin Rushforth
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