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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8228554

Accessibility errors in jdwp-protocol.html


    • svc
    • b13

      There are repeated systemic accessibility issues in jdwp-protocol.html, due to the use of tables that do not follow the required accessibility guidelines.

      Some representative screenshots are attached.

      In one, there is totally empty row, which also hints at the presence of 5 columns that are being used as a way of providing 20% indentation in other rows.

      In both screenshots there are no column headers.
      Also at fault, albeit not directly visible, the data cells in the tables do not specify row headings and/or column headings.

      Generally, tables should not be just for layout purposes, or for mixed layout and data contents.
      Tables should have a caption, provided with <caption>.
      Data cells (<td>) should be in a column with <th> near the top, where the <th> optionally has `scope="col"` (although that is not required>
      Data cells (<td>) should be in a row with <th> near the beginning, where the <th> has `scope="row"`.
      Use CSS to change properties like margins, padding and indentation.

            amenkov Alex Menkov
            jjg Jonathan Gibbons
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
