Resolution: Approved
If the existing pattern starts and ends with curly brackets, it will be treated as plural style in the new implementation and could behave differently.
Java API
Support for plural compact format is required for some languages.
There are multiple prefixes/suffixes for a single format in some languages. For example, 1_000_000
should be formatted as "1 Million"
while 2_000_000
should be "2 Millionen"
in German.
Extend the existing compact number pattern syntax to accommodate multiple choices, each representing singular/plural forms.
Add the following paragraph in Compact Number Patterns
section in java.text.CompactNumberFormat
class description:
* <h3>Plurals</h3>
* <p>
* In case some localization requires compact number patterns to be different for
* plurals, each singular and plural patterns can be enumerated within a pair of
* curly brackets <code>'{' (U+007B)</code> and <code>'}' (U+007D)</code>, separated
* by a space {@code ' ' (U+0020)}. If this format is used, each pattern needs to be
* prepended by its {@code count}, followed by a single colon {@code ':' (U+003A)}.
* Should the pattern include spaces literally, they must be quoted.
* <p>
* For example, the compact number pattern representing millions in German locale can be
* specified as {@code "{one:0' 'Million other:0' 'Millionen}"}. The {@code count}
* follows LDML's
* <a href="https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-numbers.html#Language_Plural_Rules">
* Language Plural Rules</a>.
Modify first rule of the compact pattern syntax from:
* <i>Pattern:</i>
* <i>PositivePattern</i>
* <i>PositivePattern</i> <i>[; NegativePattern]<sub>optional</sub></i>
* <i>Pattern:</i>
* <i>SimplePattern</i>
* '{' <i>PluralPattern</i> <i>[' ' PluralPattern]<sub>optional</sub></i> '}'
* <i>SimplePattern:</i>
* <i>PositivePattern</i>
* <i>PositivePattern</i> <i>[; NegativePattern]<sub>optional</sub></i>
* <i>PluralPattern:</i>
* <i>Count</i>:<i>SimplePattern</i>
* <i>Count:</i>
* "zero" / "one" / "two" / "few" / "many" / "other"
And move this entire syntax diagram after the "Plurals" section.
Add the following new constructor that takes pluralRules
in CompactNumberFormat
* Creates a {@code CompactNumberFormat} using the given decimal pattern,
* decimal format symbols, compact patterns, and plural rules.
* To obtain the instance of {@code CompactNumberFormat} with the standard
* compact patterns for a {@code Locale}, {@code Style}, and {@code pluralRules},
* it is recommended to use the factory methods given by
* {@code NumberFormat} for compact number formatting. For example,
* {@link NumberFormat#getCompactNumberInstance(Locale, Style)}.
* @param decimalPattern a decimal pattern for general number formatting
* @param symbols the set of symbols to be used
* @param compactPatterns an array of
* <a href = "CompactNumberFormat.html#compact_number_patterns">
* compact number patterns</a>
* @param pluralRules a String designating plural rules which associate
* the {@code Count} keyword, such as "{@code one}", and the
* actual integer number. Its syntax is defined in Unicode Consortium's
* <a href = "http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-numbers.html#Plural_rules_syntax">
* Plural rules syntax</a>
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the given arguments is
* {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code decimalPattern},
* the {@code compactPatterns} array contains an invalid pattern,
* a {@code null} appears in the array of compact patterns,
* or if the given {@code pluralRules} contains an invalid syntax
* @see DecimalFormat#DecimalFormat(java.lang.String, DecimalFormatSymbols)
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols
* @since 14
public CompactNumberFormat(String decimalPattern,
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols, String[] compactPatterns,
String pluralRules)
Add the following serializable field in CompactNumberFormat
* The {@code pluralRules} used in this compact number format.
* {@code pluralRules} is a String designating plural rules which associate
* the {@code Count} keyword, such as "{@code one}", and the
* actual integer number. Its syntax is defined in Unicode Consortium's
* <a href = "http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-numbers.html#Plural_rules_syntax">
* Plural rules syntax</a>
* The default value is an empty string, meaning there is no plural rules.
* @serial
* @since 14
private String pluralRules = "";
Add the following sentence at the end of java.text.CompactNumberFormat.readObject()
method description:
* If the {@code pluralRules} field is not deserialized from the stream, it
* will be set to an empty string.
Change the implementation requirements in the method description of java.text.spi.NumberFormatProvider#getCompactNumberInstance()
* @implSpec The default implementation of this method throws
* {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. Overriding the implementation
* of this method returns the compact number formatter instance
* of the given {@code locale} with specified {@code formatStyle}.
* @implSpec The default implementation of this method throws
* {@link java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
* UnsupportedOperationException}. Overriding the implementation
* of this method returns the compact number formatter instance
* of the given {@code locale} with specified {@code formatStyle}.
Add the following @throws
clause in the method description of java.text.spi.NumberFormatProvider#getCompactNumberInstance()
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the implementation does not
* support this method
- csr of
JDK-8222756 Plural support in CompactNumberFormat
- Resolved