Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
crashed with
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# Internal Error (open/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/macroAssembler_x86.cpp:894), pid=18764, tid=18767
# fatal error: DEBUG MESSAGE: MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop: heap base corrupted?
# JRE version: (14.0+26) (fastdebug build )
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 14-ea+26-1241, mixed mode, sharing, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# V [libjvm.so+0x11d06e1] MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)+0x41
# Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with "/opt/core.sh %p" (or dumping to /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/scratch/2/core.18764)
--------------- S U M M A R Y ------------
Command Line: -Dtest.class.path.prefix=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d:/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.src=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.src.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.classes=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d -Dtest.class.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d -Dtest.vm.opts=-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -Dtest.tool.vm.opts=-J-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -Dtest.compiler.opts= -Dtest.java.opts=-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash -ea -esa -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Dtest.jdk=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug -Dcompile.jdk=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 -Dtest.root=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg -Dtest.nativepath=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.test/hotspot/jtreg/native -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash -ea -esa -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -Djava.library.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.test/hotspot/jtreg/native -XX:-BackgroundCompilation com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d/main.0.jta
Host: ol7-build-test-6169, Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8167M CPU @ 2.00GHz, 8 cores, 58G, Oracle Linux Server release 7.6
Time: Sat Dec 7 09:06:29 2019 UTC elapsed time: 0 seconds (0d 0h 0m 0s)
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x00007f6698034800): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=18767, stack(0x00007f669ef17000,0x00007f669f018000)]
Stack: [0x00007f669ef17000,0x00007f669f018000], sp=0x00007f669f015930, free space=1018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [libjvm.so+0x11d06e1] MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)+0x41
[error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xb, SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f669d105a80]
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases.init([Ljava/lang/Object;)V+2630 java.base
j sun.util.PreHashedMap.<init>(IIII)V+38 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases.<init>()V+11 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.aliasMap()Ljava/util/Map;+14 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.canonicalize(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;+1 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.lookup(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+47 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.charsetForName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+6 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup2(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+39 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+40 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(Ljava/lang/String;)Z+1 java.base
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.platformProperties()[Ljava/lang/String;+0 java.base
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.<init>()V+5 java.base
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps.initProperties()Ljava/util/Map;+4 java.base
j java.lang.System.initPhase1()V+0 java.base
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x00007f669f037000 points into unknown readable memory: 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
RBX=0x00007f669deeaf78: <offset 0x0000000001933f78> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RCX=0x00007f669deeaf78: <offset 0x0000000001933f78> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RDX=0x00007f669df9929f: <offset 0x00000000019e229f> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RSP=0x00007f669f015930 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
RBP=0x00007f669f015960 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
RSI=0x000000000000037e is an unknown value
RDI=0x00007f669dee9340: <offset 0x0000000001932340> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R8 =0x0000000000d7e020 points into unknown readable memory: 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
R9 =0x0000000800006878 is a pointer to class:
[Ljava.lang.Object; {0x0000000800006878}
- instance klass: 'java/lang/Object'
R10=0x00007f669e3fda20: <offset 0x0000000001e46a20> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R11=0x00007f669cba6130: <offset 0x00000000005ef130> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R12=0x00007f669e310358: <offset 0x0000000001d59358> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R13=0x00007f669f015ab0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
R14=0x00007f669f01a000 points into unknown readable memory: 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
R15=0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
RAX=0x00007f669f037000, RBX=0x00007f669deeaf78, RCX=0x00007f669deeaf78, RDX=0x00007f669df9929f
RSP=0x00007f669f015930, RBP=0x00007f669f015960, RSI=0x000000000000037e, RDI=0x00007f669dee9340
R8 =0x0000000000d7e020, R9 =0x0000000800006878, R10=0x00007f669e3fda20, R11=0x00007f669cba6130
R12=0x00007f669e310358, R13=0x00007f669f015ab0, R14=0x00007f669f01a000, R15=0x00000008009f10e8
RIP=0x00007f669d7876e1, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010246, CSGSFS=0x002b000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000006
Top of Stack: (sp=0x00007f669f015930)
0x00007f669f015930: 00007f6698034800 00000000ffffffff
0x00007f669f015940: 00000008009f10e8 00007f669f015ab0
0x00007f669f015950: 00007f669f01a000 00000008009f10e8
0x00007f669f015960: 00007f669f015a10 00007f668c7029da
Instructions: (pc=0x00007f669d7876e1)
0x00007f669d7875e1: c7 08 49 8b 57 f8 48 8b 3b 31 c0 4c 89 ee e8 9c
0x00007f669d7875f1: 12 20 00 4d 39 e7 75 e6 48 8b 3b 4d 8d 67 20 e8
0x00007f669d787601: eb 16 20 00 4c 39 65 a8 75 b5 66 0f ef c0 4c 8b
0x00007f669d787611: 75 90 48 83 ec 08 c6 45 c0 00 0f 29 45 b0 31 d2
0x00007f669d787621: ff 75 c0 49 8d 7e c0 4c 89 f6 ff 75 b8 ff 75 b0
0x00007f669d787631: e8 3a 30 91 ff 48 8b 3b 31 c0 48 83 c4 20 48 8d
0x00007f669d787641: 35 50 1c 81 00 e8 35 13 20 00 66 0f ef c0 48 83
0x00007f669d787651: ec 08 4c 89 f7 0f 29 45 b0 49 8d 76 20 31 d2 c6
0x00007f669d787661: 45 c0 00 ff 75 c0 ff 75 b8 ff 75 b0 e8 fe 2f 91
0x00007f669d787671: ff 0f b6 4d a7 48 8d 05 ef f8 c2 00 48 83 c4 20
0x00007f669d787681: 48 8b 7d 98 88 08 48 8d 65 d8 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41
0x00007f669d787691: 5e 41 5f 5d e9 06 31 20 00 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 55
0x00007f669d7876a1: 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 89 fb 48
0x00007f669d7876b1: 83 ec 08 48 8d 05 8a f8 c2 00 80 38 00 75 40 4c
0x00007f669d7876c1: 8d 25 91 8c b8 00 49 8b 04 24 48 89 d9 48 8d 15
0x00007f669d7876d1: ca 1b 81 00 be 7e 03 00 00 48 8d 3d 5f 1c 76 00
0x00007f669d7876e1: c6 00 58 31 c0 e8 25 cf 82 ff 48 83 c4 08 5b 41
0x00007f669d7876f1: 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d e9 e2 64 1e 00 66 90 49
0x00007f669d787701: 89 f6 49 89 d7 66 48 8d 3d 32 36 b8 00 66 66 48
0x00007f669d787711: e8 fa a8 11 ff 4c 8d 25 3b 8c b8 00 4c 8b 28 4d
0x00007f669d787721: 85 ed 0f 84 0f 01 00 00 49 8b 45 00 4c 89 ef ff
0x00007f669d787731: 50 50 84 c0 0f 84 c5 00 00 00 41 8b 85 e0 03 00
0x00007f669d787741: 00 66 48 8d 3d f6 35 b8 00 66 66 48 e8 be a8 11
0x00007f669d787751: ff 48 8b 00 48 85 c0 74 32 4c 39 e8 74 2d 49 8b
0x00007f669d787761: 04 24 48 8d 0d ee 88 68 00 48 8d 15 27 89 68 00
0x00007f669d787771: be 81 00 00 00 48 8d 3d 63 89 68 00 c6 00 58 31
0x00007f669d787781: c0 e8 29 cc 82 ff e8 54 64 1e 00 48 8d 05 bc f6
0x00007f669d787791: c2 00 41 c7 85 e0 03 00 00 06 00 00 00 80 38 00
0x00007f669d7877a1: 75 0c 48 8d 05 17 f7 c2 00 80 38 00 74 41 e8 bc
0x00007f669d7877b1: 2f 20 00 49 89 c5 e8 24 20 50 ff 4c 89 ef e8 dc
0x00007f669d7877c1: 2f 20 00 48 8d 35 4d 1b 76 00 48 89 df e8 7d cd
0x00007f669d7877d1: 1e 00 84 c0 0f 84 ec fe ff ff 4c 89 fe 4c 89 f7
Stack slot to memory mapping:
stack at sp + 0 slots: 0x00007f6698034800 is a thread
stack at sp + 1 slots: 0x00000000ffffffff is an unknown value
stack at sp + 2 slots: 0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
stack at sp + 3 slots: 0x00007f669f015ab0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
stack at sp + 4 slots: 0x00007f669f01a000 points into unknown readable memory: 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
stack at sp + 5 slots: 0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
stack at sp + 6 slots: 0x00007f669f015a10 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
stack at sp + 7 slots: 0x00007f668c7029da is at code_begin+602 in an Interpreter codelet
aastore 83 aastore [0x00007f668c702780, 0x00007f668c702c60] 1248 bytes
crashed with
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# Internal Error (open/src/hotspot/cpu/x86/macroAssembler_x86.cpp:894), pid=18764, tid=18767
# fatal error: DEBUG MESSAGE: MacroAssembler::decode_heap_oop: heap base corrupted?
# JRE version: (14.0+26) (fastdebug build )
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 14-ea+26-1241, mixed mode, sharing, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# V [libjvm.so+0x11d06e1] MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)+0x41
# Core dump will be written. Default location: Core dumps may be processed with "/opt/core.sh %p" (or dumping to /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/scratch/2/core.18764)
--------------- S U M M A R Y ------------
Command Line: -Dtest.class.path.prefix=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d:/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.src=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.src.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorization -Dtest.classes=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d -Dtest.class.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/classes/2/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d -Dtest.vm.opts=-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -Dtest.tool.vm.opts=-J-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -Dtest.compiler.opts= -Dtest.java.opts=-XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash -ea -esa -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -server -XX:-TieredCompilation -Dtest.jdk=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug -Dcompile.jdk=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 -Dtest.root=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/src.full/open/test/hotspot/jtreg -Dtest.nativepath=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.test/hotspot/jtreg/native -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=6 -XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash -ea -esa -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -Djava.library.path=/opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.test/hotspot/jtreg/native -XX:-BackgroundCompilation com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/slaves/6e54f4af-e606-43b0-80ce-0a482a5988b6-S165/frameworks/1735e8a2-a1db-478c-8104-60c8b0af87dd-0196/executors/a3728674-5d14-4bdf-bccf-28e2e1a438d1/runs/e977da1f-4b1e-4990-b891-3dbcd8af0488/testoutput/test-support/jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_3/compiler/vectorization/TestVectorUnalignedOffset.d/main.0.jta
Host: ol7-build-test-6169, Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8167M CPU @ 2.00GHz, 8 cores, 58G, Oracle Linux Server release 7.6
Time: Sat Dec 7 09:06:29 2019 UTC elapsed time: 0 seconds (0d 0h 0m 0s)
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x00007f6698034800): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=18767, stack(0x00007f669ef17000,0x00007f669f018000)]
Stack: [0x00007f669ef17000,0x00007f669f018000], sp=0x00007f669f015930, free space=1018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [libjvm.so+0x11d06e1] MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)+0x41
[error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xb, SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f669d105a80]
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases.init([Ljava/lang/Object;)V+2630 java.base
j sun.util.PreHashedMap.<init>(IIII)V+38 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases.<init>()V+11 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.aliasMap()Ljava/util/Map;+14 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.canonicalize(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;+1 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.lookup(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+47 java.base
j sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets.charsetForName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+6 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup2(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+39 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;+40 java.base
j java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(Ljava/lang/String;)Z+1 java.base
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.platformProperties()[Ljava/lang/String;+0 java.base
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps$Raw.<init>()V+5 java.base
j jdk.internal.util.SystemProps.initProperties()Ljava/util/Map;+4 java.base
j java.lang.System.initPhase1()V+0 java.base
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x00007f669f037000 points into unknown readable memory: 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
RBX=0x00007f669deeaf78: <offset 0x0000000001933f78> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RCX=0x00007f669deeaf78: <offset 0x0000000001933f78> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RDX=0x00007f669df9929f: <offset 0x00000000019e229f> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
RSP=0x00007f669f015930 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
RBP=0x00007f669f015960 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
RSI=0x000000000000037e is an unknown value
RDI=0x00007f669dee9340: <offset 0x0000000001932340> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R8 =0x0000000000d7e020 points into unknown readable memory: 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
R9 =0x0000000800006878 is a pointer to class:
[Ljava.lang.Object; {0x0000000800006878}
- instance klass: 'java/lang/Object'
R10=0x00007f669e3fda20: <offset 0x0000000001e46a20> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R11=0x00007f669cba6130: <offset 0x00000000005ef130> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R12=0x00007f669e310358: <offset 0x0000000001d59358> in /opt/mach5/mesos/work_dir/jib-master/install/jdk-14+26-1241/linux-x64-debug.jdk/jdk-14/fastdebug/lib/server/libjvm.so at 0x00007f669c5b7000
R13=0x00007f669f015ab0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
R14=0x00007f669f01a000 points into unknown readable memory: 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
R15=0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
RAX=0x00007f669f037000, RBX=0x00007f669deeaf78, RCX=0x00007f669deeaf78, RDX=0x00007f669df9929f
RSP=0x00007f669f015930, RBP=0x00007f669f015960, RSI=0x000000000000037e, RDI=0x00007f669dee9340
R8 =0x0000000000d7e020, R9 =0x0000000800006878, R10=0x00007f669e3fda20, R11=0x00007f669cba6130
R12=0x00007f669e310358, R13=0x00007f669f015ab0, R14=0x00007f669f01a000, R15=0x00000008009f10e8
RIP=0x00007f669d7876e1, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010246, CSGSFS=0x002b000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000006
Top of Stack: (sp=0x00007f669f015930)
0x00007f669f015930: 00007f6698034800 00000000ffffffff
0x00007f669f015940: 00000008009f10e8 00007f669f015ab0
0x00007f669f015950: 00007f669f01a000 00000008009f10e8
0x00007f669f015960: 00007f669f015a10 00007f668c7029da
Instructions: (pc=0x00007f669d7876e1)
0x00007f669d7875e1: c7 08 49 8b 57 f8 48 8b 3b 31 c0 4c 89 ee e8 9c
0x00007f669d7875f1: 12 20 00 4d 39 e7 75 e6 48 8b 3b 4d 8d 67 20 e8
0x00007f669d787601: eb 16 20 00 4c 39 65 a8 75 b5 66 0f ef c0 4c 8b
0x00007f669d787611: 75 90 48 83 ec 08 c6 45 c0 00 0f 29 45 b0 31 d2
0x00007f669d787621: ff 75 c0 49 8d 7e c0 4c 89 f6 ff 75 b8 ff 75 b0
0x00007f669d787631: e8 3a 30 91 ff 48 8b 3b 31 c0 48 83 c4 20 48 8d
0x00007f669d787641: 35 50 1c 81 00 e8 35 13 20 00 66 0f ef c0 48 83
0x00007f669d787651: ec 08 4c 89 f7 0f 29 45 b0 49 8d 76 20 31 d2 c6
0x00007f669d787661: 45 c0 00 ff 75 c0 ff 75 b8 ff 75 b0 e8 fe 2f 91
0x00007f669d787671: ff 0f b6 4d a7 48 8d 05 ef f8 c2 00 48 83 c4 20
0x00007f669d787681: 48 8b 7d 98 88 08 48 8d 65 d8 5b 41 5c 41 5d 41
0x00007f669d787691: 5e 41 5f 5d e9 06 31 20 00 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 55
0x00007f669d7876a1: 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 89 fb 48
0x00007f669d7876b1: 83 ec 08 48 8d 05 8a f8 c2 00 80 38 00 75 40 4c
0x00007f669d7876c1: 8d 25 91 8c b8 00 49 8b 04 24 48 89 d9 48 8d 15
0x00007f669d7876d1: ca 1b 81 00 be 7e 03 00 00 48 8d 3d 5f 1c 76 00
0x00007f669d7876e1: c6 00 58 31 c0 e8 25 cf 82 ff 48 83 c4 08 5b 41
0x00007f669d7876f1: 5c 41 5d 41 5e 41 5f 5d e9 e2 64 1e 00 66 90 49
0x00007f669d787701: 89 f6 49 89 d7 66 48 8d 3d 32 36 b8 00 66 66 48
0x00007f669d787711: e8 fa a8 11 ff 4c 8d 25 3b 8c b8 00 4c 8b 28 4d
0x00007f669d787721: 85 ed 0f 84 0f 01 00 00 49 8b 45 00 4c 89 ef ff
0x00007f669d787731: 50 50 84 c0 0f 84 c5 00 00 00 41 8b 85 e0 03 00
0x00007f669d787741: 00 66 48 8d 3d f6 35 b8 00 66 66 48 e8 be a8 11
0x00007f669d787751: ff 48 8b 00 48 85 c0 74 32 4c 39 e8 74 2d 49 8b
0x00007f669d787761: 04 24 48 8d 0d ee 88 68 00 48 8d 15 27 89 68 00
0x00007f669d787771: be 81 00 00 00 48 8d 3d 63 89 68 00 c6 00 58 31
0x00007f669d787781: c0 e8 29 cc 82 ff e8 54 64 1e 00 48 8d 05 bc f6
0x00007f669d787791: c2 00 41 c7 85 e0 03 00 00 06 00 00 00 80 38 00
0x00007f669d7877a1: 75 0c 48 8d 05 17 f7 c2 00 80 38 00 74 41 e8 bc
0x00007f669d7877b1: 2f 20 00 49 89 c5 e8 24 20 50 ff 4c 89 ef e8 dc
0x00007f669d7877c1: 2f 20 00 48 8d 35 4d 1b 76 00 48 89 df e8 7d cd
0x00007f669d7877d1: 1e 00 84 c0 0f 84 ec fe ff ff 4c 89 fe 4c 89 f7
Stack slot to memory mapping:
stack at sp + 0 slots: 0x00007f6698034800 is a thread
stack at sp + 1 slots: 0x00000000ffffffff is an unknown value
stack at sp + 2 slots: 0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
stack at sp + 3 slots: 0x00007f669f015ab0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
stack at sp + 4 slots: 0x00007f669f01a000 points into unknown readable memory: 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
stack at sp + 5 slots: 0x00000008009f10e8 is pointing into metadata
stack at sp + 6 slots: 0x00007f669f015a10 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00007f6698034800
stack at sp + 7 slots: 0x00007f668c7029da is at code_begin+602 in an Interpreter codelet
aastore 83 aastore [0x00007f668c702780, 0x00007f668c702c60] 1248 bytes
- duplicates
JDK-8236440 applications/ctw/modules/java_desktop_2.java failed during compilation of class
- Closed