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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8236622

Records: Clarify interaction between records and @SafeVarargs


      Tagir Valeev has proposed the following sensible treatment:

      1. Do not allow annotating record type with SafeVarargs
      2. If the record type has explicit canonical/compact constructor, the
      heap pollution warning should be issued on the constructor, rather
      than on record header declaration
      3. If explicit canonical/compact constructor is annotated with
      SafeVarargs, no warning should be issued.

      So if one has a record declaration with potential heap pollution, and
      want to declare that varargs are safe, they must explicitly add an
      empty compact constructor and annotate it with SafeVarargs. Given that
      this case should be extremely rare in practice, such an amount of
      boilerplate doesn't look too big to me. On the other hand, such
      solution requires less changes in Java (e.g. no need to allow
      SafeVarargs on types).

            gbierman Gavin Bierman
            briangoetz Brian Goetz
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
