The test tries to match -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal with the output of jhsdb -jmap --pid <pid> --heap. This fails when running ZGC, which leaves the MaxNewSize set to (size_t)-1.
$ ../build/fastdebug/jdk/bin/jhsdb jmap --pid 1550 --heap
Attaching to process ID 1550, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 15-internal+0-2020-01-20-0958066.stefank...
using thread-local object allocation.
ZGC with 20 thread(s)
Heap Configuration:
MinHeapFreeRatio = 40
MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70
MaxHeapSize = 32210157568 (30718.0MB)
NewSize = 1363144 (1.2999954223632812MB)
MaxNewSize = 17592186044415 MB
OldSize = 5452592 (5.1999969482421875MB)
NewRatio = 2
SurvivorRatio = 8
MetaspaceSize = 21807104 (20.796875MB)
CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
MaxMetaspaceSize = 17592186044415 MB
G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB)
$ ../build/fastdebug/jdk/bin/java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -cp /localhome/tests/ HelloSleep 2>&1 | grep MaxNewSize
size_t MaxNewSize = 18446744073709551615 {product} {default}
HeapSummary.printValMB looks like this:
private static final double FACTOR = 1024*1024;
private void printValMB(String title, long value) {
if (value < 0) {
System.out.println(alignment + title + (value >>> 20) + " MB");
} else {
double mb = value/FACTOR;
System.out.println(alignment + title + value + " (" + mb + "MB)");
And when the value is negative we get a line that looks like this:
MaxNewSize = 17592186044415 MB
The test then tries to compare 17592186044415 with 18446744073709551615.
make -C ../build/fastdebug test TEST=sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/ JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC"
$ ../build/fastdebug/jdk/bin/jhsdb jmap --pid 1550 --heap
Attaching to process ID 1550, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 15-internal+0-2020-01-20-0958066.stefank...
using thread-local object allocation.
ZGC with 20 thread(s)
Heap Configuration:
MinHeapFreeRatio = 40
MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70
MaxHeapSize = 32210157568 (30718.0MB)
NewSize = 1363144 (1.2999954223632812MB)
MaxNewSize = 17592186044415 MB
OldSize = 5452592 (5.1999969482421875MB)
NewRatio = 2
SurvivorRatio = 8
MetaspaceSize = 21807104 (20.796875MB)
CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
MaxMetaspaceSize = 17592186044415 MB
G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB)
$ ../build/fastdebug/jdk/bin/java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -cp /localhome/tests/ HelloSleep 2>&1 | grep MaxNewSize
size_t MaxNewSize = 18446744073709551615 {product} {default}
HeapSummary.printValMB looks like this:
private static final double FACTOR = 1024*1024;
private void printValMB(String title, long value) {
if (value < 0) {
System.out.println(alignment + title + (value >>> 20) + " MB");
} else {
double mb = value/FACTOR;
System.out.println(alignment + title + value + " (" + mb + "MB)");
And when the value is negative we get a line that looks like this:
MaxNewSize = 17592186044415 MB
The test then tries to compare 17592186044415 with 18446744073709551615.
make -C ../build/fastdebug test TEST=sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/ JTREG="VM_OPTIONS=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC"
- relates to
JDK-6718125 SA: jmap prints negative value for MaxNewSize
- Closed