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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8237977

Further update javax/net/ssl/compatibility/Compatibility.java


        Compatibility.java test currently uses setEnabledProtocols on server side as well to enable one protocol. Instead, test should be updated to use SSLContext to create server socket as this will enable list of protocols and is more likely server configuration to be used. This will also provide additional test coverage from client side.
        The server side doesn't need to specify the cipher suites either.

        It also should cover SSLv3. And it's unnecessary to run cases between the jdk builds in jdkList. This test should only focus on the testing JDK build specified by jtreg option "-jdk".

        Also enhance report to show the cause of failure, either protocol not supported or ciphersuite not supported.

              jjiang John Jiang
              rhalade Rajan Halade
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