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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8238452

Keytool generates wrong expiration date if validity is set to 2050/01/01


    • b12
    • Verified

        Keytool has an option that user can give the validity number of days for the
        generated certificate. With configuring validity so that the expire date is
        between 2050/01/01 00:00 and 2050/01/01 07:59 (UTC), the expire date in the
        certificate comes to 1950/01/01.

        Steps to reproduce :

        1. Create certificate
        $ keytool -genkey -alias test -keyalg RSA -keysize 512 -keypass changeit
        -validity 10924 -storetype JKS -keystore mykeystore -storepass changeit
        -dname 'cn=xxx.yyyy.zzz, ou=Vvv, o=Www, c=JP'

        10924 is the days from 2020/02/04 10:00 to 2050/01/01 10:00. The value needs
        to be changed in line with the day and timezone.

        2. Check certificate
        $ keytool -list -v -storepass changeit -keystore mykeystore

        In generated certificate 'valid from' field will contain the wrong value.

        Expected Value :
          Valid from: Tue Feb 04 10:05:50 JST 2020 until: Sun Jan 01 10:05:50 JST 2050
        Actual Value :
          Valid from: Tue Feb 04 10:05:50 JST 2020 until: Sun Jan 01 10:05:50 JST 1950

              rreddy Ravi Reddy
              shadowbug Shadow Bug
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