I wish we have a definition of CPU features which specify name and enumeration so that it will be printed automatically, if supported, by VM_Version::get_processor_features(). Counting by hand how many %s I have to add is bug prone. We also need to check that we have enough bits for enumeration.
I wish we have a definition of CPU features which specify name and enumeration so that it will be printed automatically, if supported, by VM_Version::get_processor_features(). Counting by hand how many %s I have to add is bug prone. We also need to check that we have enough bits for enumeration.
- relates to
JDK-8253891 Debug x86_32 builds fail after JDK-8239090
- Resolved
JDK-8253869 sun/hotspot/whitebox/ fails after JDK-8239090
- Closed