Resolution: Fixed
The JVM feature rewrite was actually somewhat of a step backwards in terms of presenting information for the user what different configure arguments do.
I've compensated for this by making it far better! :) Now we get a list like this:
aot enable ahead of time compilation (AOT)
cds enable class data sharing (CDS)
compiler1 enable hotspot compiler C1
compiler2 enable hotspot compiler C2
dtrace enable dtrace support
epsilongc include the epsilon (no-op) garbage collector
g1gc include the G1 garbage collector
graal enable Graal (jdk.internal.vm.compiler)
jfr enable Java Flight Recorder (JFR)
jni-check enable -Xcheck:jni support
jvmci enable JVM Compiler Interface (JVMCI)
jvmti enable Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVM TI)
link-time-opt enable link time optimization
management enable java.lang.management API support
minimal support building variant 'minimal'
nmt include native memory tracking (NMT)
parallelgc include the parallel garbage collector
serialgc include the serial garbage collector
services enable diagnostic services and client attaching
shenandoahgc include the Shenandoah garbage collector
static-build build static library instead of dynamic
vm-structs export JVM structures to the Serviceablility Agent
zero support building variant 'zero'
zgc include the ZGC garbage collector
Also, I missed using the recommended m4_ prefix on some m4 functions. This patch also corrects this.
I've compensated for this by making it far better! :) Now we get a list like this:
aot enable ahead of time compilation (AOT)
cds enable class data sharing (CDS)
compiler1 enable hotspot compiler C1
compiler2 enable hotspot compiler C2
dtrace enable dtrace support
epsilongc include the epsilon (no-op) garbage collector
g1gc include the G1 garbage collector
graal enable Graal (jdk.internal.vm.compiler)
jfr enable Java Flight Recorder (JFR)
jni-check enable -Xcheck:jni support
jvmci enable JVM Compiler Interface (JVMCI)
jvmti enable Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVM TI)
link-time-opt enable link time optimization
management enable java.lang.management API support
minimal support building variant 'minimal'
nmt include native memory tracking (NMT)
parallelgc include the parallel garbage collector
serialgc include the serial garbage collector
services enable diagnostic services and client attaching
shenandoahgc include the Shenandoah garbage collector
static-build build static library instead of dynamic
vm-structs export JVM structures to the Serviceablility Agent
zero support building variant 'zero'
zgc include the ZGC garbage collector
Also, I missed using the recommended m4_ prefix on some m4 functions. This patch also corrects this.