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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8240611

pkcs11/Cipher/TestKATForGCM.java failed due to timeout


      The following test failed in the JDK15 CI:


      Here's a snippet from the log file:

      command: main TestKATForGCM
      reason: User specified action: run main TestKATForGCM
      Mode: agentvm
      Agent id: 15
      Timeout refired 480 times
      Timeout information:
      --- Timeout information end.
      elapsed time (seconds): 595.967
      Boot Layer
        class path: C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\5.0\\b01\\bundles\\jtreg_bin-5.0.zip\\jtreg\\lib\\javatest.jar
        patch: java.base T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_jdk_tier2_part1\\patches\\java.base

      Test Layer
        class path: T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_jdk_tier2_part1\\classes\\3\\sun\\security\\pkcs11\\Cipher\\TestKATForGCM.d



      result: Error. Agent error: java.lang.Exception: Agent 15 timed out with a timeout of 480 seconds; check console log for any additional details

      test result: Error. Agent error: java.lang.Exception: Agent 15 timed out with a timeout of 480 seconds; check console log for any additional details

      Starting this as a P3 since this is a Tier2 failure.

            ssahoo Sibabrata Sahoo (Inactive)
            dcubed Daniel Daugherty
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
