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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8242332

Add SHA3 support to SunPKCS11 provider


      Per feedback from Michael StJohns <mstjohns@comcast.net>:
      I've got an include file from Utimaco dated 27 March 2017 that includes the SHA3 assignments from PKCS11 - and their collateral says they implement SHA3 (this is all of the message digest, hmac and signature mechanisms, and key derivation mechanisms specified for PKCS11 3.0.

      Safenet ProtectServer has it https://data-protection-updates.gemalto.com/2018/04/27/product-release-safenet-protecttoolkit-5-6/

      I can't find anything that says nCipher has it.

      That's two out of three of the big ones.
       message digest, hmac and signature mechanisms, and key derivation mechanisms specified for PKCS11 3.0.
      There are a few PKCS11 vendors already supporting SHA3 even though PKCS11 v2.40 do not have SHA3 related mechanisms. The SHA3 mechanisms are in the works and identifiers have been reserved in the working version of PKCS11 header files, thus we should consider supporting SHA3 in SunPKCS11 provider.

            valeriep Valerie Peng
            valeriep Valerie Peng
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