1.) When fetching a key matching the given --mac-signing-key-name and there are multiple contradictory verbose messages (one says matched more than one, then an Exception implying that there was no match.
The messaging could do a much better job helping the user identify the duplicate certificates.
2.) when there is no match (or multiple matches), there is an obsolete message:
"Either specify a valid cert in 'mac.signing-key-developer-id-app' or unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to false."
The messaging could do a much better job helping the user identify the duplicate certificates.
2.) when there is no match (or multiple matches), there is an obsolete message:
"Either specify a valid cert in 'mac.signing-key-developer-id-app' or unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to false."