iOS uses 16-bit unsigned short for a character, but we cast it with the C++ 8-bit char. This won't work for characters greater than 255 (Ascii chars). This can be seen with non-ascii characters like euro (€) or quote (").
Directly related to this issue:
- The keyCode mapping between iOS keys and JavaFX doesn't apply, for instance, "%" with ascii value 0x25 is mapped to KeyCode.LEFT.
- The iOS keyboard should be set to UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable, to prevent the display of emoji keyboard.
Directly related to this issue:
- The keyCode mapping between iOS keys and JavaFX doesn't apply, for instance, "%" with ascii value 0x25 is mapped to KeyCode.LEFT.
- The iOS keyboard should be set to UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable, to prevent the display of emoji keyboard.