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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8244777

ClassLoaderStats VM Op uses constant hash value


    • jfr
    • b24

        ClassLoaderStats VM Operation can take a long time when a lot of class loaders are involved.

        See: https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-jfr-dev/2020-May/001430.html

        It iterates the CLDG and accumulates statistics per class loader over all CLDs. It uses a temporary ResourceHashTable for that.

        The hash function is wrong though.

        static unsigned oop_hash(oop const& s1) {
           unsigned hash = (unsigned)((uintptr_t)&s1);
           return hash ^ (hash >> LogMinObjAlignment);

        There are two errors which independently from each other cause the hash to be constant:
        - we use &s1, so we calculate the hash based on the address of the key carrier not the key
        - we use LogMinObjAlignment instead of LogMinObjAlignmentInBytes, which is usually 0, so we xor out the hash at the end.

              stuefe Thomas Stuefe
              stuefe Thomas Stuefe
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