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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8247576

Labeled/SkinBase: misbehavior on switching skin


      happens if it has a graphic. The misbehavior is

      - memory leak
      - NPE (after removing incorrect guard against null in the listener ;) on resize the graphic

      culprit is a listener added to the graphic's layoutBounds:

          final InvalidationListener graphicPropertyChangedListener = valueModel -> {
              invalidText = true;
              // fixme: this must not be called after dispose
              /*if (getSkinnable() != null)*/

      to reproduce the memory leak, add a Label (and all other subclasses) with graphic to the list of controls in SkinMemoryLeakTest. For the NPE, add a test like:

           * Cleanup graphic listener -
          public void testLabeledGraphicDispose() {
              Rectangle graphic = (Rectangle) control.getGraphic();
       to fix, remove the listener in dispose

            fastegal Jeanette Winzenburg
            fastegal Jeanette Winzenburg
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            2 Start watching this issue
