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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8248313

Default signature algorithm for an RSASSA-PSS key


    • behavioral
    • minimal
    • Before this fix, a -sigalg must always be specified for an RSASSA-PSS key. Now it's not necessary.
    • add/remove/modify command line option
    • JDK


      Define the default signature algorithm of an RSASSA-PSS key for keytool and jarsigner.


      Both keytool and jarsigner support default signature algorithms when no -sigalg is specified. For example, SHA256withRSA for an RSA key. We need to define one for an RSASSA-PSS key.

      Currently, an error occurs if it's not provided:

      $ keytool -genkeypair -keyalg rsassa-pss -storepass changeit -dname CN=A
      keytool error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot derive signature algorithm from RSASSA-PSS


      The default signature algorithm for an RSASSA-PSS key is RSASSA-PSS.


      diff --git a/closed/src/java.base/share/man/keytool.md b/closed/src/java.base/share/man/keytool.md
      --- a/closed/src/java.base/share/man/keytool.md
      +++ b/closed/src/java.base/share/man/keytool.md
      @@ -1241,16 +1241,17 @@
       algorithm (`-sigalg` option) is derived from the algorithm of the underlying
       private key to provide an appropriate level of security strength as follows:
      -keyalg   keysize   default sigalg
      --------  --------  --------------
      -DSA      any size  SHA256withDSA
      -RSA      \<= 3072  SHA256withRSA
      -         \<= 7680  SHA384withRSA
      -         \> 7680   SHA512withRSA
      -EC       \< 384    SHA256withECDSA
      -         \< 512    SHA384withECDSA
      -         = 512     SHA512withECDSA
      --------  --------  --------------
      +keyalg      keysize   default sigalg
      +----------  --------  --------------
      +DSA         any size  SHA256withDSA
      +RSA         \<= 3072  SHA256withRSA
      +            \<= 7680  SHA384withRSA
      +            \> 7680   SHA512withRSA
      +EC          \< 384    SHA256withECDSA
      +            \< 512    SHA384withECDSA
      +            = 512     SHA512withECDSA
      +RSASSA-PSS  any size  RSASSA-PSS
      +----------  --------  --------------
      diff --git a/closed/src/jdk.jartool/share/man/jarsigner.md b/closed/src/jdk.jartool/share/man/jarsigner.md
      --- a/closed/src/jdk.jartool/share/man/jarsigner.md
      +++ b/closed/src/jdk.jartool/share/man/jarsigner.md
      @@ -226,16 +226,17 @@
       By default, the `jarsigner` command signs a JAR file using one of the following
       algorithms files depending on the type and size of the private key:
      -keyalg   keysize   default sigalg
      --------  --------  --------------
      -DSA      any size  SHA256withDSA
      -RSA      \<= 3072  SHA256withRSA
      -         \<= 7680  SHA384withRSA
      -         \> 7680   SHA512withRSA
      -EC       \< 384    SHA256withECDSA
      -         \< 512    SHA384withECDSA
      -         = 512     SHA512withECDSA
      --------  --------  --------------
      +keyalg      keysize   default sigalg
      +----------  --------  --------------
      +DSA         any size  SHA256withDSA
      +RSA         \<= 3072  SHA256withRSA
      +            \<= 7680  SHA384withRSA
      +            \> 7680   SHA512withRSA
      +EC          \< 384    SHA256withECDSA
      +            \< 512    SHA384withECDSA
      +            = 512     SHA512withECDSA
      +RSASSA-PSS  any size  RSASSA-PSS
      +----------  --------  --------------
       These default signature algorithms can be overridden by using the `-sigalg`

            pkumaraswamy Prajwal Kumaraswamy
            weijun Weijun Wang
            Prasadarao Koppula (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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