The JVM TI specification is generated from src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmti.xml by applying the jvmti.xsl stylesheet found in the same directory. That stylesheet defines a <tm> element, which is used to apply a trademark symbol (‘™’, ™) to various terms in the specification.
Oracle’s legal department has advised that it is not necessary to place trademark symbols after the term “Java” or after compound terms that begin with “Java” (e.g., “JavaBeans,” “Java Naming and Directory Interface,” etc.). We should place a registered-trademark symbol (‘®’, ®) after the first use of the term “Java.”
Oracle’s legal department has advised that it is not necessary to place trademark symbols after the term “Java” or after compound terms that begin with “Java” (e.g., “JavaBeans,” “Java Naming and Directory Interface,” etc.). We should place a registered-trademark symbol (‘®’, ®) after the first use of the term “Java.”
- relates to
JDK-8249205 Remove unnecessary trademark symbols
- Resolved