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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8254759

[TEST_BUG] [macosx] javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4202966/IntFrameCoord.html fails


    • b21
    • generic
    • os_x

        The test javax/swing/JInternalFrame/4202966/IntFrameCoord.html fails in Mac OS.
        When we launch the test, one instruction will appear which reads:
        "Click in the title bar of the top-level window entitled "IntFrameCoord" to give
        it focus.
        You are now ready to run the test.
        1. First click in the internal frame title bar that says "Click here first ".
        2. Then, click in the internal frame title bar that says "Click here second".
        3. Finally, click in the button that says "Click here third".
        The test will automatically pass or fail. Press "Done" when finished."

        So, as per the instructions, the user need to press the button that says "Click here third", but it is not possible because that button is not visible as the Internal frame looks to be in a minimized state(PFA the screenshot). If we try to maximize it and click on the button, the test fails. The test need to be updated for Mac platform to make the frames appear in a maximized state. In windows this works perfectly.

              dnguyen Damon Nguyen
              mvs Manukumar V S
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
