Testsuite name: Jpackage
Test name(s): JPKG001_011: WinShortCutTest
Product(s) tested: JDK 16
OS/architecture: Windows 10 x64
Reproducible: Always
Is it a Regression: No
Use JDK 16 dev build:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Check preconditions
a. VERIFY There are no JREs/JDKs installed.
2. Launch WinShortcutTest-1.0.exe, WinShortcutTest-1.0.msi and complete installation.
3. Double click WinShortcutTest shortcut on Desktop.
Expected result:
appOutput.txt is create in application directory, C:/Program Files/WinShortcutTest
Actual behavior:
Test fail when user execute with WinShortcutTest-1.0.exe and WinShortcutTest-1.0.msi:
appOutput.txt is NOT create in application directory, C:/Program Files/ WinShortcutTest
Command prompt briefly displays (see screenshot)
Test name(s): JPKG001_011: WinShortCutTest
Product(s) tested: JDK 16
OS/architecture: Windows 10 x64
Reproducible: Always
Is it a Regression: No
Use JDK 16 dev build:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Check preconditions
a. VERIFY There are no JREs/JDKs installed.
2. Launch WinShortcutTest-1.0.exe, WinShortcutTest-1.0.msi and complete installation.
3. Double click WinShortcutTest shortcut on Desktop.
Expected result:
appOutput.txt is create in application directory, C:/Program Files/WinShortcutTest
Actual behavior:
Test fail when user execute with WinShortcutTest-1.0.exe and WinShortcutTest-1.0.msi:
appOutput.txt is NOT create in application directory, C:/Program Files/ WinShortcutTest
Command prompt briefly displays (see screenshot)