A likely consequence of JDK-8213084, CodeStrings passed directly to Disassembler::decode are ignored.
For example, -XX:+PrintInterpreter (on debug builds) included messages which can help in reading the code:
0x00007f1f7093becb: je 0x00007f1f7093bee5
;; call_VM_base: heap base corrupted? <--- gone
0x00007f1f7093bed1: mov $0x7f1f90c7ecb8,%rdi
0x00007f1f7093bedb: and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
0x00007f1f7093bedf: callq 0x00007f1f9046c0a0 = MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)
For example, -XX:+PrintInterpreter (on debug builds) included messages which can help in reading the code:
0x00007f1f7093becb: je 0x00007f1f7093bee5
;; call_VM_base: heap base corrupted? <--- gone
0x00007f1f7093bed1: mov $0x7f1f90c7ecb8,%rdi
0x00007f1f7093bedb: and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
0x00007f1f7093bedf: callq 0x00007f1f9046c0a0 = MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)
- relates to
JDK-8255340 [s390] build failure after JDK-8255208
- Resolved