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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8255497

[TestBug] Controls unit tests - clean up unnecessary prints on STANDARD_OUT


    • generic
    • generic

      Some of the controls unit tests unnecessarily log to stdout using System.out.println(). Printing to stdout might be useful while debugging individual failing test, but keeping them on for every test run simply pollutes the log.

      Actions can be taken as follows -
      1) Evaluate if the print is going to help in future debugging - if yes, comment it out
      2) If print is not suitable for debugging - remove it
      3) There are some prints which are associated with failures ONLY - keep them - so that we have correct information if the test fails.

        1. after_fix.log
          208 kB
          Ajit Ghaisas
        2. before_fix.log
          225 kB
          Ajit Ghaisas

            aghaisas Ajit Ghaisas
            aghaisas Ajit Ghaisas
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