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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8257561

Some code is not vectorized after 8251925 and 8250607


    • b28

        While working on JDK-8257531 I noticed that some our tests are not vectorized after JDK-8251925:

        $ java -Xbatch -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:CICompilerCount=1 -XX:+TraceNewVectors -XX:+UseParallelGC TestComplexAddrExpr test1
         Run test1 ...
         Finished test1.

        Before we had:
        java -Xbatch -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:CICompilerCount=1 -XX:+TraceNewVectors -XX:+UseParallelGC TestComplexAddrExpr test1
         Run test1 ...
        new Vector node: 912 LoadVector === 557 784 766 [[ 764 759 754 749 690 685 632 270 ]] @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=10; mismatched #vectory[8]:{int} !orig=[765],[691],[633],[269] !jvms: TestComplexAddrExpr::lambda$test1$0 @ bci:18 (line 48) 0x0000000801000a18::accept @ bci:5 Streams$RangeIntSpliterator::forEachRemaining @ bci:44 (line 104)
        new Vector node: 913 ReplicateI === _ 73 [[]] #vectory[8]:{int}
        new Vector node: 914 AddVI === _ 912 913 [[ 763 758 753 748 689 684 631 291 ]] #vectory[8]:{int} !orig=[764],[690],[632],[270] !jvms: TestComplexAddrExpr::lambda$test1$0 @ bci:20 (line 48) 0x0000000801000a18::accept @ bci:5 Streams$RangeIntSpliterator::forEachRemaining @ bci:44 (line 104)
        new Vector node: 915 StoreVector === 790 784 766 914 [[ 910 784 909 ]] @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=10; mismatched Memory: @int[int:>=0]:NotNull:exact+any *, idx=10; !orig=[763],[689],[631],[291],650 !jvms: TestComplexAddrExpr::lambda$test1$0 @ bci:21 (line 48) 0x0000000801000a18::accept @ bci:5 Streams$RangeIntSpliterator::forEachRemaining @ bci:44 (line 104)
         Finished test1.

              kvn Vladimir Kozlov
              kvn Vladimir Kozlov
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