Resolution: Fixed
8, 11, 15, 16
Ubuntu20.10-x64(Light Mode)/JDK 16 b28(64bit)/Jtreg5.1b01
Testsuite: Regression manual
Test name(s):javax/swing/JPasswordField/4382819/bug4382819.java
Product(s) tested: JDK 16b28 (64bit)
OS/architecture: ubuntu20.10-x64(Light Mode)/Jtreg5.1b01
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine: Evergreen-machine
[If Sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:
Actual behavior:
1) The combobox displayed incorrectly but the function is right with the option "-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel ".Please refer to disable.png.
2) There is no such issue without option.Please refer to disable-NoOption.png.
3) On ubuntu20.10-x64(Light Mode) with the same option,JDK8u281b09&ws/JDK11.0.10b08&ws/JDK15.0.2b07&ws failed as the same issue.
Test name(s):javax/swing/JPasswordField/4382819/bug4382819.java
Product(s) tested: JDK 16b28 (64bit)
OS/architecture: ubuntu20.10-x64(Light Mode)/Jtreg5.1b01
Reproducible: Always
Reproducible on machine: Evergreen-machine
[If Sometimes] Also reproducible on machine:
Actual behavior:
1) The combobox displayed incorrectly but the function is right with the option "-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel ".Please refer to disable.png.
2) There is no such issue without option.Please refer to disable-NoOption.png.
3) On ubuntu20.10-x64(Light Mode) with the same option,JDK8u281b09&ws/JDK11.0.10b08&ws/JDK15.0.2b07&ws failed as the same issue.