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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8260862

JFR: New configure command for the jfr tool


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 17
    • None
    • hotspot
    • jfr
    • b16

      A jfc-file today consists of two parts, one part that actually configures the event settings the JVM uses and one part with higher level concepts (controls or parameterizations) that is more user friendly, i.e "Allocation Profiling" is a boolean control that can enable/disable both the "Allocation outside TLA" and "Allocation inside TLA" event.

      The control elements are shown to the user in Mission Control as check boxes, comboboxes and input fields with validation and they greatly simplifies the configuration of Flight Recorder.

      In a first step, the 'jfr' tool will be extended to generate a new .jfc file:

          $ jfr configure allocation-profiling=true
          New configuration written to custom.jfc

      The functionality will then be added to -XX:StartFlightRecording and jcmd JFR.start.

            egahlin Erik Gahlin
            egahlin Erik Gahlin
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