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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8261646

Crash in MTLBlitLoops when Metal API Validation enabled


    • 2d
    • generic
    • os_x

      If we enable Metal API Validation and launch J2DDemo.
      Jump between tabs for sometime(Dont click on Clipping tab for that we have open bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8261638)

      J2DTrace enabled fastdebug logs :
      MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526990400 [tex=0x7fd527d89950, 5x3, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 3)->(10.00, 28.00, 20.00, 34.00)[V] [via sampling]
      [V] MTLContext : commandBuffer is NULL
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=156
      MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526975b50 [tex=0x7fd527d8f570, 5x1, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 1)->(10.00, 34.00, 20.00, 348.00)[V] [via sampling]
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=84
      MTLBlitLoops_IsoBlit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: src=0x7fd526975bf0 [tex=0x7fd5269d2910, 5x3, O=0], dst=0x7fd52728a480 [tex=0x7fd528309860, 1702x1158, O=0] | (0, 0, 5, 3)->(10.00, 348.00, 20.00, 354.00)[V] [via sampling]
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=90, rem=12
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=71, rem=8
      [V] desired texture dimensions: w=50 h=50 max=16384
      [V] MTLSurfaceData_initTexture: w=50 h=50 bp=0x7fd52a34aa00 [tex=0x7fd529462cf0] opaque=0 rtt=0
      [I] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: limit=88
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=90, rem=84
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=71, rem=80
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_CheckPreviousOp: new op=7
      [V] MTLRenderQueue_flushBuffer: opcode=31, rem=68
      MTLBlitLoops_Blit [tx=1, xf=0, AC=SRC_OVER]: bdst=0x7fd52a34aa00 [tex=0x7fd529462cf0, 50x50, O=0], src=0x7fd528ff4f60 (50x50) O=0 premul=1 | (0, 0, 50, 50)->(0.00, 0.00, 50.00, 50.00)[V] replaceTextureRegion src (dw, dh) : [50, 50] dest (dx1, dy1) =[0, 0]
      [V] MTLContext : commandBuffer is NULL
      # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
      # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fff59e2cd3c, pid=16575, tid=73227
      # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (17.0) (fastdebug build 17-internal+0-adhoc.jdv.open)
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 17-internal+0-adhoc.jdv.open, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, bsd-amd64)
      # Problematic frame:
      # C [MetalTools+0x9d3c] -[MTLToolsCommandBuffer commit]+0x5d

      In MTLBlitLoops_replaceTextureRegion we have commandbuffer commit and also usage of Compute Encoder.

      I have attached crash log also.
      Even with release build + Metal API validation issue is easily reproducible.

      This can be reproduced even in SwingSet2 by launching it with Metal API validation and clicking on different things.

            avu Alexey Ushakov
            jdv Jayathirth D V
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