When building a java runtime image with simple command:
jpackage --type {dmg, pkg} --name runtime-17 --runtime-image $JDK-HOME
if creating dmg, you get a null pointer exception, if creating a pkg you get a PackagerException saying the identifier could not be extracted from the app-image.
The help text for --mac-package-identifier even says it defaults to the main class name, which is fine if you are creating a dmg or pkg of an application.
When creating a runtime installer, it should default to the installer name (not the non-existant main-class name), instead of throwing these exceptions.
jpackage --type {dmg, pkg} --name runtime-17 --runtime-image $JDK-HOME
if creating dmg, you get a null pointer exception, if creating a pkg you get a PackagerException saying the identifier could not be extracted from the app-image.
The help text for --mac-package-identifier even says it defaults to the main class name, which is fine if you are creating a dmg or pkg of an application.
When creating a runtime installer, it should default to the installer name (not the non-existant main-class name), instead of throwing these exceptions.