
      Starting point from current TestFramework branch: https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/tree/TestingFramework

      Convert all tests found in https://github.com/openjdk/valhalla/tree/lworld/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/valhalla/inlinetypes that use the old test framework (search for @Test annotation) to use the new test framework. The goal is to have all the converted tests in the same directory again such that we have a diff view of the applied changes.

      I temporarly moved all unprocessed tests from compiler/valhalla/inlinetypes to compiler/valhalla/old_inlinetypes to have a better overview of the ongoing conversion (can be done differently/undone if better suitable). To move files around, use `git mv` as sometimes, moving it directly with `mv` results in a deletion of the old file and creation of a new file and the "applied changes view" is lost).

      - Remove all references to the old framework and only use the new test framework
      - Do not modify the current test code and associated helper methods if it is not absolutely required by the framework (verifiers, tests, helper methods/classes etc.)
      - All tests should pass by invoking them with jtreg

      Maybe the conversion can be automated to some extent. I already moved all helper classes (MyValue1.java, MyValue2.java etc.) to a single file InlineTypes.java such that a JTreg test only needs to specify "@compile InlineTypes.java" if such a helper class is used.

      Here is a list of conversion rules that can be applied for the tests:
      - Turn someTest_verifier methods into @Run methods
        * @DontCompile of verifiers -> @Run
        * boolean warmup -> TestInfo info, info.isWarmUp()
        * @Warmup at @Test -> @Warmup at @Run
        * @Test(valid = .., failOn = .., match = .., matchCount ..) -> @IR
          - valid -> applyIf
          - regex like STORE, LOAD etc. -> use InlineTypes.STORE, InlineTypes.LOAD etc. or static import InlineTypes.IRNode and directly use STORE, LOAD etc. (all regexes moved to InlineTypes.IRNode)
          - concatted failOn: failOn = STORE + LOAD -> failOn = {InlineTypes.IRNode.STORE, InlineTypes..IRNodeLOAD} (use list and not concat with +)
          - match = {STORE}, matchCount = {1} -> counts = {InlineTypes.IRNode.STORE, "1"} (match/matchCount are now merged together with a single counts attribute with the node regex followed by the count as string)
      - Use JTreg header as shown in the applied examples below
      - static final String[][] scenarios = {{}, {"-XX:+PatchALot"}} -> use TestFramework.runWithScenarios() and make sure that scenario indices match, starting at 0; remove getNumScenarios() and getVMParameters()
        * Example: ExampleTestUnloadedInlineTypeField (see below)
      - getExtraVMParameters -> load default scenarios and add the additionally specified flags, remove getExtraVMParameters()
        * Example: ExampleTestNullableInlineTypes.java
      - @OSRCompileOnly -> @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION)
        * Example: jdk.test.lib.hotspot.ir_framework.tests.TestRunTests.test9(): conversion example of TestOnStackReplacement.test6()
      Some applied examples of real Valhalla tests:
      - ExampleTestNullableInlineTypes.java (based on TestNullableInlineTypes.java):
      - ExampleTestUnloadedInlineTypeField.java (based on TestUnloadedInlineTypeField.java):

      Some made up examples to illustrate the list of conversion rules above
      1) Simplest case
        public void test(int x) {
      - @DontCompile
      - public void test_verifier(boolean warmup) {
      - test(34);
      - }
      + @Run(test = "test")
      + public void test_verifier(/* TestInfo info */) { // Do not need to specify TestInfo info if warmup not used. But can also keep parameter for more straight forward conversion
      + test(34);
      + }

      2) Warmup and query warmup parameter
      - @Warmup(1000) // For @Run tests: must move @Warmup to @Run method.
        public void test(int x) {
      - @DontCompile
      - public void test_verifier(boolean warmup) {
      - // Different ways of calling test()
      - if (warmup) {
      - test(someComplexSetup()); // Complex setup of argument
      - } else {
      - verify(test(45));
      - }
      - }
      + @Run(test = "test")
      + @Warmup(1000)
      + public void test_verifier(TestInfo info) {
      + if (info.isWarmUp()) {
      + test(someComplexSetup());
      + } else {
      + verify(test(45));
      + }
      + }

      3) IR rules
      - @Test(valid = ACmpProfileOn, failOn = LOOP + STORE, match = { TRAP }, matchCount = { 1})
      - @Test(valid = ACmpProfileOff, failOn = STORE)
      - @Test(valid = TypeProfileOn, failOn = LOAD)
      - @Test(match = { SUBSTITUTABILITY_TEST }, matchCount = { 1 })
      - public void test() {
      - }
      - @DontCompile
      - public void test_verifier(boolean warmup) {
      - test(34);
      - }

      + @Test
      + @IR(applyIf = {"UseACmpProfile", "true"}, failOn = {InlineType.IRNode.LOOP, InlineType.IRNode.STORE} , counts = {InlineType.IRNode.TRAP, "1"}
      + @IR(applyIf = {"UseACmpProfile", "false"}, failOn = InlineType.IRNode.STORE)
      + @IR(applyIf = {"TypeProfileLevel", "222"}, failOn = InlineType.IRNode.LOAD)
      + @IR(counts = {InlineType.IRNode.SUBSTITUTABILITY_TEST, "1"})
      + public void test() {
      + }

      + @Run(test = "test")
      + public void test_verifier(/* TestInfo info */) { // Do not need to specify TestInfo info if warmup not used. But can also keep parameter for more straight forward conversion
      + test(34);
      + }

      Background Information
      Example tests showing the different usages of the framework:
      - @Test: https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/blob/TestingFramework/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/hotspot/ir_framework/examples/TestExample.java
      - @Check: https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/blob/TestingFramework/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/hotspot/ir_framework/examples/CheckExample.java
      - @Run: https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/blob/TestingFramework/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/hotspot/ir_framework/examplesRunExample.java

      Internal tests about different usages:
      - Different ways to call the framework (including scenarios and helper classes): https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/blob/TestingFramework/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/hotspot/ir_framework/tests/TestSanity.java
      - Other basic tests: https://github.com/chhagedorn/valhalla/blob/TestingFramework/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/hotspot/ir_framework/tests/TestBasics.java

      IR Matching:

      Forbidden test format:

      Other internal tests:

      More documentation will follow, especially in form of Javadocs and more example tests: JDK-8263026.

            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
            chagedorn Christian Hagedorn
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
