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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8263389

IGV: Zooming changes the point that is currently centered


    • b05

      Zooming can change the part of the graph that is currently centered but it should not.

      Steps to reproduce:

      * Open attachment zoom_bug.xml in IGV

      * Open graph "After Parsing"

      * Click on "Show satellite view of the whole graph" on the toolbar

      * The grey rectangle shows the currently viewed part of the graph

      * Move rectangle to top right

      * Use the toolbar to zoom in (magnifying glass with a +)

      * Rectangle disappears (also a bug)

      * Zoom out (magnifying glass with a -)

      * Rectangle reappears

      * Zoom in (+)

      * Rectangle jumps to the left. It should not change the part of the graph that is centered when zooming.

            cslucas Cesar Soares
            rrich Richard Reingruber
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
