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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8263471

Edits from review of JDK 16 JMX doc


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Delivered
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 17
    • None
    • docs
    • None
    • Verified

      Research and incorporate Bernard's JMX doc edits listed below:
      JMX Technology Overview: only the last of the 3 bullets ends in a period.

      Should What Is JMX Technology end in a question mark?

      "Using JMX technology, one or more Java objects" – this is a plural sentence subject, not singular.
      revised sentence

      Should Why Use JMX Technology end in a question mark?

      Chapter 6, Getting Started with Lookup Services, the first bullet looks like it shouldn't be a bullet. Only the last of the bullets ends in a period.
      previously revised by eng

      Chapter 7, JMX Technology Versions – this is unclear: "download the JSR 160 Reference Implementation from the download page specified at the beginning of this section, and add the jmxremote_optional.jar file to your classpath".
      previously revised by eng

      Chapter 8: Java Management Extensions (JMX) API Specification – the package links point to Java15.
      previously revised by eng

      Part II, Before You Use This Tutorial – Jini has a TM here, but not earlier.
      TMs used to be carried in the text but are not longer. TM has been removed.

      Chapter 10, Essentials of the JMX API, JavaBean has a TM here but not earlier.
      TMs used to be carried in the text but are not longer. TM has been removed.

      MBean Implementation, missing space between "example" and "sayHello()".

      Introducing MXBeans, missing extra indentation following "Declares a getter, getQueueSample, in the MXBean that takes a snapshot of the queue when invoked and returns a Java class QueueSample that bundles the following values together:"

      Chapter 12, Lookup Services, Running the SLP Lookup Service Example, the note contains superfluous periods.
      changed to commas

      Starting the Client, missing space between "Server" and "by".

      Running the Jini Lookup Service Example, the note contains superfluous periods.
      Jini removed by eng

      Running the JNDI/LDAP Lookup Service Example, the note contains superfluous periods.
      changed to commas

            cwayne Clifford Wayne (Inactive)
            cwayne Clifford Wayne (Inactive)
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