Update MulticastSocket
documentation to clarify its relationship with DatagramSocket
, and update code samples.
has been updated by JDK-8237352 to support joining multicast group. This changes the relationship between DatagramSocket
and MulticastSocket
. The documentation of MulticastSocket
should be updated to reflect this change.
Replace the first sentence in the MulticastSocket
class level API doc with a more accurate description of the purpose of MulticastSocket
. Fixed mistake in the following code sample too.
- * The multicast datagram socket class is useful for sending
- * and receiving IP multicast packets. A MulticastSocket is
- * a (UDP) DatagramSocket, with additional capabilities for
- * joining "groups" of other multicast hosts on the internet.
+ * A {@code MulticastSocket} is a datagram socket that is
+ * convenient for sending and receiving IP multicast datagrams.
+ * The {@code MulticastSocket} constructors create a socket
+ * with appropriate socket options enabled that make
+ * it suitable for receiving multicast datagrams.
+ * The {@code MulticastSocket} class additionally defines
+ * convenient setter and getter methods for socket options
+ * that are commonly used by multicasting applications.
+ * <P>
+ * Joining one or more multicast groups makes it possible to
+ * receive multicast datagrams sent to these groups.
* <P>
- * A multicast group is specified by a class D IP address
+ * An IPv4 multicast group is specified by a class D IP address
* and by a standard UDP port number. Class D IP addresses
* are in the range {@code} to {@code},
* inclusive. The address is reserved and should not be used.
* <P>
* One would join a multicast group by first creating a MulticastSocket
* with the desired port, then invoking the
- * <CODE>joinGroup(InetAddress groupAddr)</CODE>
- * method:
+ * <CODE>joinGroup</CODE> method, specifying the group address and
+ * the network interface through which multicast datagrams will be
+ * received:
* <PRE>{@code
* // join a Multicast group and send the group salutations
* ...
* String msg = "Hello";
* InetAddress mcastaddr = InetAddress.getByName("");
- * InetSocketAddress group = new InetSocketAddress(mcastaddr, port);
+ * InetSocketAddress group = new InetSocketAddress(mcastaddr, 6789);
* NetworkInterface netIf = NetworkInterface.getByName("bge0");
* MulticastSocket s = new MulticastSocket(6789);
- * s.joinGroup(group, netIf);
+ * s.joinGroup(new InetSocketAddress(mcastaddr, 0), netIf);
* byte[] msgBytes = msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
- * DatagramPacket hi = new DatagramPacket(msgBytes, msgBytes.length,
- * group, 6789);
+ * DatagramPacket hi = new DatagramPacket(msgBytes, msgBytes.length, group);
* s.send(hi);
* // get their responses!
* byte[] buf = new byte[1000];
* DatagramPacket recv = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
* s.receive(recv);
- csr of
JDK-8263080 Obsolete relationship in MulticastSocket API documentation.
- Resolved