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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8264200

java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SRTest.java fails intermittently


    • b18

        This test has been observed failing intermittently in the CI.

        It has several potential sources of instability:

        - The test runs in AgentVM mode
        - Receiver binds to the wildcard, sender sends to getLocalHost()
          (using wildcard/localhost instead of loopback/loopback has been a source of instability in the past)
        - Sockets are not closed properly if an exception happens
        - Publication of instance variables is not always Multi Thread safe
          (would require volatile or other means of synchronization)
        - If the sender fails to send, the test will get wedged forever.
        - Possibly better exception logging

              ccleary Conor Cleary (Inactive)
              dfuchs Daniel Fuchs
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              6 Start watching this issue
