When -Djavatest.security.noSecurityManager=true is set on the jtreg command line, the test above fails with:
---- WARNING -----
JavaTest did not install its own Security Manager
because the property javatest.security.noSecurityManager was set.
This is not a fatal error, but it may affect the
execution of sameJVM tests
package p;
public class P {
public static class P1 extends p.P {
public P1();
public static class P2 extends p.P {
public P2();
public P();
* Printing of modules
module printing {
requires java.base;
requires static transitive java.compiler;
exports p to m.m1, m.m2;
opens p to m.m1, m.m2;
uses p.P;
provides p.P with p.P.P1, p.P.P2;
TEST RESULT: Failed. Output does not match reference file: module-info.out, line 1
When -Djavatest.security.noSecurityManager=true is set on the jtreg command line, the test above fails with:
---- WARNING -----
JavaTest did not install its own Security Manager
because the property javatest.security.noSecurityManager was set.
This is not a fatal error, but it may affect the
execution of sameJVM tests
package p;
public class P {
public static class P1 extends p.P {
public P1();
public static class P2 extends p.P {
public P2();
public P();
* Printing of modules
module printing {
requires java.base;
requires static transitive java.compiler;
exports p to m.m1, m.m2;
opens p to m.m1, m.m2;
uses p.P;
provides p.P with p.P.P1, p.P.P2;
TEST RESULT: Failed. Output does not match reference file: module-info.out, line 1
- is blocked by
CODETOOLS-7902955 Setting -Djavatest.security.noSecurityManager=true emits a warning to stderr
- New
- relates to
JDK-8268267 Remove -Djavatest.security.noSecurityManager=true from jtreg runs
- Resolved
JDK-8268267 Remove -Djavatest.security.noSecurityManager=true from jtreg runs
- Resolved