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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8266036

class file for sun.misc.Contended not found


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 17
    • 11, 16, 17
    • tools
    • None
    • b31

        Trying to compile a class that subclasses java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool with --release 8 causes the following error:

        > javac --release 8 -processorpath demo demo/MyPool.java
        error: cannot access Contended
          class file for sun.misc.Contended not found
        1 error

        I can confirm this happens with javac from JDK 11.0.10 and JDK 16.

        This can be reproduce with the attached demo.jar:

        jar xf demo.jar
        javac --release 8 -processorpath demo demo/MyPool.java

        As a side note, discovering which Java sources triggered this error was not straight forward as the error message does not mention it (note lack of "MyPool" in the error message).

              jlahoda Jan Lahoda
              dnsimon Douglas Simon
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              3 Start watching this issue
