jpackage should specify architecture for produced PKG files via hostArchitectures="x86_x64 or arm64". aarch64 installer will be installable on x64 without specifying hostArchitectures which is not correct and if install on arm Mac it will request Rosetta 2. With proposed fix by setting hostArchitectures="x86_x64" if installer contains x64 binaries, it will be installable on x64 Mac and will require Rosetta 2 on arm Mac. hostArchitectures will be set to arm64 if installer contain aarch64 binaries and will gave error when run on x64 Mac and will be installable on arm Mac without triggering installation of Rosetta 2.
- relates to
JDK-8266259 [macos] Investigate viability of creating single pkg for x64 and arm
- Closed
JDK-8313740 [macos] jpackage - allow specifying hostArchitectures (bundle x86_64 app on arm)
- Closed