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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8266516

One label typo in the properties for bi-directional text


    • generic
    • generic

        Steps to reproduce:
        1. Install Test build JDK8u271bb01 (64bit) and set JAVA_HOME env
        2. use test bundle:java-client-8-clean_latest.tar.gz and extract to a folder<WS>
        3. Install ANT (version:1.10.7) and set ANT_HOME env
        4. Change javafx.home path in build.properties file(under the folder <WS>)
        5. Go to "SamplesTests" directory in WS and run command: ant run-manual
        6. Run the case: tests/samples/Ensemble8_16_Controls_Text.html
        7. Download javafx_samples-8u271b01-linux.zip
        8. Unzip javafx_samples-8u271b01-linux.zip
        9. Go to javafx_samples and execute in terminal:java -Dprism.order=d3d,es2,es1 -jar Ensemble8.jar
        10.Try using demo from Samples >Controls >Text >Bidi

        Test Instructions:
        Open samples list(fourth button in a toolbar)
        Try using each demo from Samples > Controls > Text, use all available controls/links, resize the window (if allowed), minimize/maximize, etc
        There must be no exceptions in the log
        Control in "Inset Text" is not a button, just fancy label

        Actually results:
        One lable typo in the properties, it is should be "...to me.strikethrough" not "He said ....strikethrough", Please refer to bidi.jpg.

        Affected Tests:
        RULE "tests/samples/Ensemble8_16_Controls_Text" any any

              mvs Manukumar V S
              tmeng Tina Meng (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
