The Events classes collect events in a circular buffer that gets dumped into the hs_err files. There are different sections to sort out different types of events. See:
// A log for internal exception related messages, like internal
// throws and implicit exceptions.
static ExceptionsEventLog* _exceptions;
// Deoptization related messages
static StringEventLog* _deopt_messages;
// Redefinition related messages
static StringEventLog* _redefinitions;
// Class unloading events
static UnloadingEventLog* _class_unloading;
There's also a buffer for non-categorized events:
// A log for generic messages that aren't well categorized.
static StringEventLog* _messages;
I propose that we create a separate buffer for VMOperations.
// A log for internal exception related messages, like internal
// throws and implicit exceptions.
static ExceptionsEventLog* _exceptions;
// Deoptization related messages
static StringEventLog* _deopt_messages;
// Redefinition related messages
static StringEventLog* _redefinitions;
// Class unloading events
static UnloadingEventLog* _class_unloading;
There's also a buffer for non-categorized events:
// A log for generic messages that aren't well categorized.
static StringEventLog* _messages;
I propose that we create a separate buffer for VMOperations.