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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8268974

GetJREPath() JLI function fails to locate libjava.so if not standard Java launcher is used


    • b08
    • linux_ubuntu

        I have put together an hello world application, with a jarfile. If I jpackage it with the following command line:

        $ jpackage --type app-image --name HelloWorld --input out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar --main-jar jpackage-test.jar --dest output

        Everything works correctly, and launching the generated app prints "Hello world":

        $ output/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld
        Hello world!

        However, if the destination directory contains "bin" (even as a nested subfolder), there are issues. Here's the jextract command line:

        $ jpackage --type app-image --name HelloWorld --input out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar --main-jar jpackage-test.jar --dest bin

        (the only thihng that changed is the --dest parameter)

        And here's what I get:

        $ bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld
        Error: could not find libjava.so
        Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

        I use Ubuntu 20.04. A colleague of mine using MacOS does not seem to have the same issue, so it seems to be system specific.

        I'm using the latest jpackage from jdk/jdk.


              asemenyuk Alexey Semenyuk
              mcimadamore Maurizio Cimadamore
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              7 Start watching this issue
