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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8270116

Expand ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java to run in all LaFs, including Aqua on macOS


    • 11
    • b10

        JDK-8172509 resolved the test failure by changing the Look and Feel to Metal if it's Aqua or Nimbus.

        At that time, it made sense because the new focus behaviour for radio buttons that was implemented in JDK-8033699 wasn't provided in Aqua LaF. Later fixes JDK-8208640 and JDK-8249548 brought it to Aqua.

        Now the test java/awt/Focus/FocusTraversalPolicy/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversal/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java should be expanded so that it runs in all the available Look and Feels to make sure the focus traversal is consistent.

              rmahajan Rajat Mahajan
              aivanov Alexey Ivanov
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              5 Start watching this issue
