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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8270918

Remove unused jdk.accessibility APIs deprecated for removal in JDK 9


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 18
    • client-libs
    • None
    • source, binary, behavioral
    • medium
    • Any code that uses these would be broken.
    • Java API
    • JDK


      Remove un-used, deprecated-for-removal non-standard fields in the AWTEventMonitor class which may be used by Assistive Technologies.

      12 fields in the non-standard accessibility AWTEventMonitor class in JDK 8 were made unused and deprecated, and then in JDK 9 they were further deprecated for removal under bug 8167182 and as such are over-due for removal.


      Remove these 12 fields in the com.sun.java.accessibility.util.AWTEventMonitor class.


      class com.sun.java.accessibility.util.AWTEventMonitor

      -    /**
      -     * The current component with keyboard focus.
      -     *
      -     * @see #getComponentWithFocus
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused; to get the component with focus use the
      -     * getComponentWithFocus method.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected Component componentWithFocus = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered ComponentListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addComponentListener
      -     * @see #removeComponentListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected ComponentListener     componentListener     = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered ContainerListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addContainerListener
      -     * @see #removeContainerListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected ContainerListener     containerListener     = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered FocusListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addFocusListener
      -     * @see #removeFocusListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected FocusListener         focusListener         = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered KeyListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addKeyListener
      -     * @see #removeKeyListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected KeyListener           keyListener           = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered MouseListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addMouseListener
      -     * @see #removeMouseListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected MouseListener         mouseListener         = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered MouseMotionListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addMouseMotionListener
      -     * @see #removeMouseMotionListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected MouseMotionListener   mouseMotionListener   = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered WindowListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addWindowListener
      -     * @see #removeWindowListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected WindowListener        windowListener        = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered ActionListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addActionListener
      -     * @see #removeActionListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected ActionListener        actionListener        = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered AdjustmentListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addAdjustmentListener
      -     * @see #removeAdjustmentListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected AdjustmentListener    adjustmentListener    = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered ItemListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addItemListener
      -     * @see #removeItemListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected ItemListener          itemListener          = null;
      -    /**
      -     * The current list of registered TextListener classes.
      -     *
      -     * @see #addTextListener
      -     * @see #removeTextListener
      -     *
      -     * @deprecated This field is unused.
      -     */
      -    @Deprecated(since="8", forRemoval=true)
      -    static protected TextListener          textListener          = null;

            prr Philip Race
            prr Philip Race
            Sergey Bylokhov
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
