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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8275723

Crash on macOS 12 in GlassRunnable::dealloc


        On MacOS 12 beta (Monterey), crashes are reported that originate from glass, using JavaFX 17 and Java 11.0.12

        The relevant stacktrace for this is:

        V [libjvm.dylib] _Z12report_fatalPKciS0_z+0xb5
        V [libjvm.dylib] _ZN20SafepointSynchronize5blockEP10JavaThread+0x1d1
        V [libjvm.dylib] _ZN10JavaThread44check_safepoint_and_suspend_for_native_transEPS_+0xab
        V [libjvm.dylib] _ZN20ThreadInVMfromNativeC1EP10JavaThread+0x6d
        V [libjvm.dylib] jni_DeleteGlobalRef+0x3e
        C [libglass.dylib] -[GlassRunnable dealloc]+0x28
        C [Foundation] -[_NSThreadPerformInfo dealloc]+0x2a

        The final crash is triggered by an assert in safepoint.cpp in SafepointSynchronize::block(JavaThread *thread) where the passed thread is in status 4 (_thread_in_native) where it should be in _thread_in_native_trans probably.

        The trace originates from glass, where the `dealloc` invocation on GlassRunnable calls `jni_DeleteGlobalRef` and enters the VM.

        At this point, I'm not sure if this is an issue in JavaFX (glass on Mac) or in hotspot.

              bae Andrew Brygin
              jvos Johan Vos
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