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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8277621

ARM32: multiple fastdebug failures with "bad AD file" after JDK-8276162


    • b28
    • arm

        E.g. java/lang/Double/ParseDouble.java in tier1:

        o46 CMoveI === _ o47 o48 [[o45 2 ]] #bool

        --N: o46 CMoveI === _ o47 o48 [[o45 2 ]] #bool

           --N: o47 Binary === _ o35 o34 [[o46 ]]
           _Binary_cmpOpL_flagsRegUL_LTGE 103 _Binary_cmpOpL_flagsRegUL_LTGE
           _Binary_cmpOpL_commute_flagsRegUL_LEGT 103 _Binary_cmpOpL_commute_flagsRegUL_LEGT

              --N: o35 Bool === _ o34 [[o47 ]] [le]
              CMPOP 1 CMPOP
              CMPOP0 1 CMPOP0
              CMPOPU 1 CMPOPU
              CMPOPP 1 CMPOPP
              CMPOPL 1 CMPOPL
              CMPOPUL 1 CMPOPUL

              --N: o34 CmpUL === _ o11 o13 [[o35 o47 ]]
              FLAGSREGUL_LTGE 102 compUL_reg_reg_LTGE
              FLAGSREGUL_EQNE 102 compUL_reg_reg_EQNE
              FLAGSREGUL_LEGT 102 compUL_reg_reg_LEGT

                 --N: o11 Parm === o3 [[o34 ]] Parm1: long
                 IREGL 1 IREGL
                 IREGLD 2 IREGLD
                 R0R1REGL 2 R0R1REGL
                 R2R3REGL 2 R2R3REGL

                 --N: o13 Parm === o3 [[o34 ]] Parm3: long
                 IREGL 1 IREGL
                 IREGLD 2 IREGLD
                 R0R1REGL 2 R0R1REGL
                 R2R3REGL 2 R2R3REGL

           --N: o48 Binary === _ o41 o30 [[o46 ]]
           _Binary_iRegI_iRegI 200 _Binary_iRegI_iRegI
           _Binary_iRegI_immIRot 100 _Binary_iRegI_immIRot
           _Binary_iRegI_immI16 100 _Binary_iRegI_immI16

              --N: o41 ConI === o0 [[o48 ]] #int:1
              IMMIROT 0 IMMIROT
              IMMU31ROT 0 IMMU31ROT
              IMMI12 0 IMMI12
              IMMI10X2 0 IMMI10X2
              IMMI12X2 0 IMMI12X2
              IMMI 0 IMMI
              IMMU8 0 IMMU8
              IMMI16 0 IMMI16
              IMMIHD 0 IMMIHD
              IMMU5 0 IMMU5
              IMMI_1 0 IMMI_1
              IMMU31 0 IMMU31
              AIMMI 0 AIMMI
              AIMMU31 0 AIMMU31
              LIMMI 0 LIMMI
              LIMMILOW8 0 LIMMILOW8
              LIMMU31 0 LIMMU31
              IREGI 100 loadConI16
              R0REGI 101 loadConI16
              R1REGI 101 loadConI16
              R2REGI 101 loadConI16
              R3REGI 101 loadConI16
              R12REGI 101 loadConI16

              --N: o30 ConI === o0 [[o48 ]] #int:0
              IMMIROT 0 IMMIROT
              IMMU31ROT 0 IMMU31ROT
              IMMI12 0 IMMI12
              IMMI10X2 0 IMMI10X2
              IMMI12X2 0 IMMI12X2
              IMMI 0 IMMI
              IMMU8 0 IMMU8
              IMMI16 0 IMMI16
              IMMIHD 0 IMMIHD
              IMMIFP 0 IMMIFP
              IMMU5 0 IMMU5
              IMMI0 0 IMMI0
              IMMU31 0 IMMU31
              AIMMI 0 AIMMI
              AIMMINEG 0 AIMMINEG
              AIMMU31 0 AIMMU31
              LIMMI 0 LIMMI
              LIMMILOW8 0 LIMMILOW8
              LIMMU31 0 LIMMU31
              IREGI 100 loadConI16
              R0REGI 101 loadConI16
              R1REGI 101 loadConI16
              R2REGI 101 loadConI16
              R3REGI 101 loadConI16
              R12REGI 101 loadConI16

        # To suppress the following error report, specify this argument
        # after -XX: or in .hotspotrc: SuppressErrorAt=/matcher.cpp:1714
        # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
        # Internal Error (/home/ent-user/ci-scripts/jdk_build/jdk_src/src/hotspot/share/opto/matcher.cpp:1714), pid=1327693, tid=1329907
        # assert(false) failed: bad AD file
        # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (18.0) (fastdebug build 18-internal+0-git-4dabe548f)
        # Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (fastdebug 18-internal+0-git-4dabe548f, mixed mode, g1 gc, linux-arm)
        # Problematic frame:
        # V [libjvm.so+0xaed03c] Matcher::Label_Root(Node const*, State*, Node*, Node*&)+0x2af

              haosun Hao Sun
              ngasson Nick Gasson
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