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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8279538

java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/MultiResolutionSplashTest.java fails with "Focus is lost!" on Linux


      The java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/MultiResolutionSplashTest.java test consistently fails on Linux with "Focus is lost!" message.

      Only the last variant of the test fails:
      @run main/othervm -splash:splash1.png MultiResolutionSplashTest TEST_FOCUS

      This bug could be duplicate of JDK-8134231. However, there could be something else: in 8u, Robot.waitForIdle() is not implemented as Toolkit.realSync(), so it could affect the test execution.

      JDK-8233696 isn't backported to 8u, this is why there's no expected text in the failure message.

            aivanov Alexey Ivanov
            aivanov Alexey Ivanov
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