The JVM truncates option values that are greater than the size of the specified option, instead of reporting the values as illegal.
For example, for int option -XX:DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll=10123345670 (0x25B65FF06), the JVM assigns the value 1533411078 (0x5B65FF06) to DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll.
Similarly, for 64 bit options:
> java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xint -XX:MaxJNILocalCapacity=12345123451234512345 2>&1 | grep MaxJNILocalCapacity
> intx MaxJNILocalCapacity = -6101620622475039271
For example, for int option -XX:DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll=10123345670 (0x25B65FF06), the JVM assigns the value 1533411078 (0x5B65FF06) to DeoptimizeObjectsALotThreadCountAll.
Similarly, for 64 bit options:
> java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -Xint -XX:MaxJNILocalCapacity=12345123451234512345 2>&1 | grep MaxJNILocalCapacity
> intx MaxJNILocalCapacity = -6101620622475039271
- relates to
JDK-8282593 JDK-8281472 breaks 32-bit builds and gtests
- Resolved
JDK-8282513 New gtest for JDK-8281472 fails on 32-bit systems
- Closed