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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8283056

show abstract machine code in hs-err for all VM crashes


    • b15

        JDK-8272586 added abstract assembly to hs-err for methods on the stack of the crashing thread. However, it only does this if the crash is due to an unhandled signal. It can also be useful to see assembly for compiled code for crashes due to failing assertions or guarantees. For example, in NativeCall::set_destination_mt_safe (nativeInst_x86.cpp), there is this guarantee:

        guarantee(is_aligned, "destination must be aligned");

        which might fail when re-resolving an inline cache call site. Being able to see the assembly for the inline cache call could reveal why it is misaligned.

              dnsimon Douglas Simon
              dnsimon Douglas Simon
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