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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8283650

Deprecate the PSSParameterSpec(int) constructor and DEFAULT static field


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 19
    • security-libs
    • None
    • source
    • minimal
    • Java API
    • SE


      Deprecating the 1-arg constructor and static field "DEFAULT" of the java.security.spec.PSSParameterSpec class since both use most if not all of the default values in the ASN.1 encoding from PKCS #1 standard.


      PSSParameterSpec.DEFAULT is constructed using all the default values in the ASN.1 encoding from PKCS #1 standard and may become obsolete as time progresses. Similarly, PSSParameterSpec(int) constructor uses these default values except for the supplied salt length argument.

      This field and constructor uses SHA-1 as the default hash algorithm. Although SHA-1 is the default algorithm as specified by RFC 8017, SHA-1 is weak and not recommended anymore. Using this constructor without understanding the security risks or that SHA-1 is the default is not recommended. Thus, this field and constructor should be deprecated with an appropriate warning.


      Deprecating both the static field and the 1-arg constructor, callers should construct the PSSParameterSpec object with their desired values and algorithms.


      Update the javadoc of java.security.spec.PSSParameterSpec class as below:

      1) class description:

      @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
       package java.security.spec;
       import java.util.Objects;
      - * This class specifies a parameter spec for RSASSA-PSS signature scheme,
      + * This class specifies a parameter spec for the RSASSA-PSS signature scheme,
        * as defined in the
        * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8017.txt">PKCS#1 v2.2</a> standard.
      - * <p>Its ASN.1 definition in PKCS#1 standard is described below:
      + * <p>Its ASN.1 definition in the PKCS #1 standard is described below:
        * <pre>
        * RSASSA-PSS-params ::= SEQUENCE {
        *   hashAlgorithm      [0] HashAlgorithm      DEFAULT sha1,
        *   maskGenAlgorithm   [1] MaskGenAlgorithm   DEFAULT mgf1SHA1,
        *   saltLength         [2] INTEGER            DEFAULT 20,
      @@ -62,16 +62,10 @@
        * PKCS1MGFAlgorithms    ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= {
        *   { OID id-mgf1 PARAMETERS HashAlgorithm },
        *   ...  -- Allows for future expansion --
        * }
        * </pre>
      - * <p>Note: the PSSParameterSpec.DEFAULT uses the following:
      - *     message digest  -- "SHA-1"
      - *     mask generation function (mgf) -- "MGF1"
      - *     parameters for mgf -- MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA1
      - *     SaltLength   -- 20
      - *     TrailerField -- 1
        * @see MGF1ParameterSpec
        * @see AlgorithmParameterSpec
        * @see java.security.Signature
      @@ -92,11 +86,11 @@
           private final int saltLen;
           private final int trailerField;
      -     * The {@code TrailerFieldBC} constant as defined in PKCS#1
      +     * The {@code TrailerFieldBC} constant as defined in the PKCS #1 standard.
            * @since 11
           public static final int TRAILER_FIELD_BC = 1;

      2) DEFAULT static field description:

      @@ -99,14 +93,23 @@
            * @since 11
           public static final int TRAILER_FIELD_BC = 1;
      -     * The PSS parameter set with all default values
      +     * The PSS parameter set with all default values.
      +     * @deprecated This field uses the default values defined in the PKCS #1
      +     *         standard. Some of these defaults are no longer recommended due
      +     *         to advances in cryptanalysis -- see the
      +     *         <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8017.txt">PKCS#1 v2.2</a>
      +     *         standard for more details. Thus, it is recommended to create
      +     *         a new {@code PSSParameterSpec} with the desired parameter values
      +     *         using the
      +     *         {@link #PSSParameterSpec(String, String, AlgorithmParameterSpec, int, int)} constructor.
            * @since 1.5
      +    @Deprecated(since="19")
           public static final PSSParameterSpec DEFAULT = new PSSParameterSpec
               ("SHA-1", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA1, 20, TRAILER_FIELD_BC);

      3) PSSParameterSpec(int) constructor description:

      @@ -124,11 +127,11 @@
            * @param mdName       the algorithm name of the hash function
            * @param mgfName      the algorithm name of the mask generation function
            * @param mgfSpec      the parameters for the mask generation function.
            *         If null is specified, null will be returned by
            *         getMGFParameters().
      -     * @param saltLen      the length of salt
      +     * @param saltLen      the length of salt in bytes
            * @param trailerField the value of the trailer field
            * @throws    NullPointerException if {@code mdName}, or {@code mgfName}
            *         is null
            * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if {@code saltLen} or
            *         {@code trailerField} is less than 0
          @@ -155,17 +158,25 @@
                * Creates a new {@code PSSParameterSpec}
                * using the specified salt length and other default values as
          -     * defined in PKCS#1.
          +     * defined in the PKCS #1 standard.
          -     * @param saltLen the length of salt in bytes to be used in PKCS#1
          -     *         PSS encoding
          +     * @param saltLen the length of salt in bytes
                * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if {@code saltLen} is
                *         less than 0
          +     * @deprecated This constructor uses the default values defined in
          +     *         the PKCS #1 standard except for the salt length. Some of these
          +     *         defaults are no longer recommended due to advances in
          +     *         cryptanalysis -- see the
          +     *         <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8017.txt">PKCS#1 v2.2</a>
          +     *         standard for more details. Thus, it is recommended to explicitly
          +     *         specify all desired parameter values with the
          +     *         {@link #PSSParameterSpec(String, String, AlgorithmParameterSpec, int, int)} constructor.
          +    @Deprecated(since="19")
               public PSSParameterSpec(int saltLen) {
                   this("SHA-1", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA1, saltLen, TRAILER_FIELD_BC);

            valeriep Valerie Peng
            mullan Sean Mullan
            Sean Mullan
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
