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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8284907

Compact profiles build fails with GNU make 4


    • b02

      The compact profiles jar creation logic relies on what seems to be undefined behavior in GNU make. Pattern rules are unreliable when the file names contain '$'. The specific construct used in CreateJars.gmk works with GNU make 3.81, but fails with version 4 or higher.

      This was originally fixed in 8u60 in JDK-8067857. That change is quite big and not something we want to backport to 8u42. However, since then, GNU make 4 and higher have become quite common on Linux too, and not just in Cygwin where I believe this problem was first encountered. Because of this, I would like to extract just the fix for this, exactly as it was done in JDK-8067857. Here is the original change:


            erikj Erik Joelsson
            erikj Erik Joelsson
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