nativeMeth(): calling the native nativeMeth2()
nativeMeth2(): calling the Java activeMethod()
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): inside activeMethod()
Going to pop the frame on other thread...
>>>>>>>> Invoke SuspendThread()
<<<<<<<< SuspendThread() is successfully done
>>>>>>>> Invoke PopFrame()
Check FAILED: PopFrame() was unexpectedly done
Check PASSED: No JVMTI events were generated by the function PopFrame()
>>>>>>>> Invoke ResumeThread()
<<<<<<<< ResumeThread() is successfully done
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): looping...
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): exiting activeMethod()...
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): exiting...
Going to pop the native frame on the current thread...
>>>>>>>> Invoke PopFrame()
Check PASSED: PopFrame() failed as expected with 32: JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME
Check PASSED: No JVMTI events were generated by the function PopFrame()
nativeMeth(): calling the native nativeMeth2()
nativeMeth2(): calling the Java activeMethod()
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): inside activeMethod()
Going to pop the frame on other thread...
>>>>>>>> Invoke SuspendThread()
<<<<<<<< SuspendThread() is successfully done
>>>>>>>> Invoke PopFrame()
Check FAILED: PopFrame() was unexpectedly done
Check PASSED: No JVMTI events were generated by the function PopFrame()
>>>>>>>> Invoke ResumeThread()
<<<<<<<< ResumeThread() is successfully done
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): looping...
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): exiting activeMethod()...
popFrameCls (Thread[#23,Thread-1,5,MainThreadGroup]): exiting...
Going to pop the native frame on the current thread...
>>>>>>>> Invoke PopFrame()
Check PASSED: PopFrame() failed as expected with 32: JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME
Check PASSED: No JVMTI events were generated by the function PopFrame()
- relates to
JDK-8215716 PopFrame() was unexpectedly done
- Resolved
JDK-8295427 popframe004: report more details on error
- Resolved