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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8290521

ModuleReader::list specification should suggest closing the returned stream


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 20
    • core-libs
    • None
    • minimal
    • Streams returned by the `list` method may already contain references to open directories. This issue does not change that, but simply notes that fact and advises to promptly close such streams.
    • Java API
    • SE


      Clarify that the stream returned from ModuleReader::list may contain references to open directories in the module, and should therefore be closed.


      ModuleReader facilitates access to a module's content, which may be inside the Java run-time system or in an artifact such as a modular JAR file. The list method lists the contents of the module, returning a stream of elements that are the names of all resources in the module.

      The intention of the list method is to allow for "lazy" streams. In this context, a lazy stream over the contents may hold references to resources that should be released, e.g. references to open directories in the module.


      Update the specification of ModuleReader::list to:

      1. Clarify that the returned stream may contain references to open directories in the module, and should therefore be closed.

      2. Add an API note suggesting to use a try-with-resources construct or similar.

      The addition of a normative statement and an API note is similar to how such streams are handled elsewhere, e.g. java.nio.file.Files::list.


      Add the following paragraph and apiNote to java.lang.module.ModuleReader::list:

          * Lists the contents of the module, returning a stream of elements that
          * are the names of all resources in the module. Whether the stream of
          * elements includes names corresponding to directories in the module is
          * module reader specific.
          * <p> In lazy implementations then an {@code IOException} may be thrown
          * when using the stream to list the module contents. If this occurs then
          * the {@code IOException} will be wrapped in an {@link
          * java.io.UncheckedIOException} and thrown from the method that caused the
          * access to be attempted. {@code SecurityException} may also be thrown
          * when using the stream to list the module contents and access is denied
          * by the security manager. </p>
      +   * <p> The returned stream may contain references to one or more open directories
      +   * in the module. The directories are closed by closing the stream. </p>
      +   *
          * <p> The behavior of the stream when used after the module reader is
          * closed is implementation specific and therefore not specified. </p>
      +   * @apiNote
      +   * This method should be used within a try-with-resources statement or similar
      +   * control structure to ensure that any open directories referenced by the
      +   * stream are closed promptly after the stream's operations have completed.
          * @return A stream of elements that are the names of all resources
          *         in the module
          * @throws IOException
          *         If an I/O error occurs or the module reader is closed
          * @throws SecurityException
          *         If denied by the security manager
         Stream<String> list() throws IOException;

            chegar Chris Hegarty
            chegar Chris Hegarty
            Mandy Chung (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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