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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8293100

RISC-V: Need to save and restore callee-saved FloatRegisters in StubGenerator::generate_call_stub


    • b14
    • riscv
    • linux

        I have found the test vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni/jnistress002.java fails on risc-v platform. (checked on hifive unmatched and thead rvb-ice). the log has lots of these messages:

        JNI object
        public java.lang.String nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.instName = "Thread-2"
        public int nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.i = 1072273735
        public long nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.l = 8325085374318028103
        public char[] nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.c = "Thread-2"
        public float nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.f = 0.49921197
        public double nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.d = NaN
        Java object
        public java.lang.String nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.instName = "Thread-2"
        public int nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.i = 1072273735
        public long nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.l = 8325085374318028103
        public char[] nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.c = "Thread-2"
        public float nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.f = 0.955677
        public double nsk.stress.jni.objectsJNI.d = 0.49921197125621386
        The fields No. 4 are different
        Objects are different

              xlinzheng Xiaolin Zheng
              vkempik Vladimir Kempik
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
